BC Libraries' DSG News & Announcements
Fall 2023, Issue 2 View online
News & Events
We're Having a Great Semester

This semester has afforded the new DS team numerous opportunities to engage faculty and students in digital scholarship projects. With faculty, we have worked to get research projects off the ground with custom databases, website infrastructure overhauls, and even archeological excavation. In the classroom, we have helped students use digital tools like mapping programs, text encoding software, and 3D modeling for class assignments.

Featured Resources
Photogrammetry 3D Modeling Station

The Digital Studio has a 3D modeling station for making digital models of real-world objects. 3D objects can be used for creating accessible, immersive, interactive, multimodal, and engaging experiences for research and teaching. The station is available Monday-Friday 9:00 am-5:00 pm. Email digitalstudio@bc.edu to reserve it.

Generative AI Guide for Students

The Libraries have created a Generative AI guide for students to help them navigate the rapidly changing AI landscape. Generative AI includes using text generators like ChatGPT and Google's Bard, as well as image generators like DALL-E 2.

Scholarly Communications Newsletter

Our Scholarly Communications colleagues have started a newsletter discussing issues related to Open Access, publishing, intellectual property, and more. Sign up for the newsletter here.


This fall, the DSG has worked with numerous classes to show how digital scholarship can help them demonstrate their learning and conduct research. The demand for mapping instruction has been particularly high, and we have visited multiple classes to teach StoryMaps and ArcGIS Online which students used for their final projects. 


A highlight was our visit to the course Advanced Research Methods, in which we discussed digital humanities and its many possibilities with English MA students. The course afforded us the opportunity to talk about our passion for this work and inspire students to incorporate DS into their studies going forward. 


Visit our website for more information about our instruction. To request instruction or help with curriculum design, please complete our form.

Digital Projects

We are in the process of updating the web infrastructure for two sites led by English department faculty. Paul Lewis led the effort to build the first site as a digital companion for an exhibition that ran over a decade ago; today, we are giving the site new features and designing it to work best for contemporary users. We are also supporting site development and adding new content for a digital community archive project led by Jessica Pauszek


A vastly different project we are working on with biology professor Jeff DaCosta involves making 3D models of birds native to Massachusetts. This project will result in an extensive collection of birds that can be used for teaching and research.

Visit our website for more information about our projects. To request help with designing or implementing a digital project, please complete our form.

Blog Posts

Learn more about digital scholarship and what we are up to from our blog posts. Topics range from digging into data to digging in the dirt to making cool research tools and projects.

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