What We Do

Please complete our form to start a conversation with us about your research project, instruction, and workshop needs.

Research Projects

Offerings include:

  • Consultations on selecting methodologies and technologies, identifying resources, and more. 
  • Smaller-scale support that meets specific and short-term technical needs to give undergraduate students, graduate students, and faculty a leg up on their research projects.
  • Collaboration on larger-scale projects with our role ranging from helping faculty and graduate students launch their projects to working with faculty on more complex endeavors.

See our Digital Projects Services and Practices documentation for more information.

Class Instruction & Workshops

Offerings include:

  • Consultations on ways to bring DS teaching and learning into the classroom.
  • Guidance on lesson planning and curriculum design. 
  • In-class instruction on DS concepts, methods, and tools in the form of single sessions, a session series, or recurring instruction throughout the semester. 
  • Workshops for faculty, students, and staff.

See our Digital Scholarship Instruction documentation for more information.