Tag: abbie levesque

  • Final Digital Scholarship Incubator Reflections: Abbie Levesque

    Final Digital Scholarship Incubator Reflections: Abbie Levesque

    This post is part of a series of final reflections from 2017 Digital Scholarship Incubator participants. Abbie Levesque: As a qualitative researcher in rhetoric and composition, I have a distinct experience with the project building experience in digital humanities work. Ridolfo and Hart-Davidson have begun inquiring into the intersections of the field, both of which…

  • Digital Scholarship Incubator Reflections: Abbie Levesque

    Digital Scholarship Incubator Reflections: Abbie Levesque

    This post is part of a series of reflections from 2017 Digital Scholarship Incubator participants. Abbie Levesque: As I’ve completed a full pilot of my project and move towards refinement, I’m most interested in reflecting on where I go next. XM<LGBT/> is a project most heavily invested in what it means to create and use…